Client Stories

Client 1

A client came to me distressed a few years ago. They advised that the ATO had told them that they should switch accountants, which I found highly irregular. The client wanted me to investigate the books for the last 5 years. After engaging the client, I commenced investigating. Long story short, I found a hole od approximately $300,000 which could have only been in one spot – the former accountant’s trust account. So, we approached him (me, my client, and my business partner). The former accountant was hostile but long story short, we recoupled the entire $300,000, my fees of $13,000 and various legal fees. My client was very happy with this.

Client 2

Long existing clients were planning for their retirement. In working with their financial planner, we were able to set up a self-managed superannuation fund, contribute a property, use affiliated lawyers to cover off on the stamp duty issues and essentially provide a full service. On top of this they are looking to sell their business in the next few years, and we organized the valuations and talked them through the taxation and commercial matters.

Client 3

From infancy to the stage where these clients are currently at, overseeing electrical generators from a white-collar and blue-collar perspective, and also looking to development electrical assets on their own with the use of investors – they are the epitome of success just 3.5 years into their venture. The sky is the limit with these clients.